I’ve been crushing on art journaling. Getting my hands dirty and just mixing colors, papers, textures until I find something I like. But I’ve noticed that sometimes, I create and I end up with something that didn’t quite translate what was in my head. And I finished, thinking, “done is good.” But as the day went on, I just couldn’t let it go.

And that’s ok.

I went back and changed things, and ended up with a result that I’m much happier with. So here’s how it went. I finished the first time, and here’s what I had. I like it alright – but there was something about the bottom that just didn’t work for me. I letters weren’t what I wanted.

Embrace-first attempt

I liked how the top turned out. I even liked the background on the bottom, but the letters – nope. The sentiment was what I wanted, but I felt like it lost some of the impact.

Later in the day – I decided to go back to it. See if I could make it more what I felt. So I added some gesso to the bottom, and let it dry. Walked away to think about it.

With Gesso

And I already liked it better. But, ya, I wasn’t done.

I added some rubber stamps to some old book pages, and embellished them a bit, and then added some water colored flowers I had made as a trial a few days ago.


So much better! I’m much happier with how things turned out. Now it’s done.

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