
April 2015


3 for Thursday

Welcome to 3 for Thursday – a place where I talk about what’s happening in my life right now. Not always sensical, but always me. Sometimes a random collection of things, but really what’s happening…this week in my life.

  1. Getting ready to travel. I’m going away. It was a last minute trip, and I’m so excited. Just me and my friend Annette. In Europe, for a week. What could be better? I think it’s just the break I need right now. Time to take my mind off the things that stress me out right now, and sit back and relax. Take in a culture WAY older than the one I’m embedded in. I don’t know what it will bring, but I’ve decided to be open to it. See where it takes me – see where it takes me when I get back.
  2. More travel journals.
    And – because I’m going on a trip – I’ve been working on more of those travel journals. Remember my first one here? I loved that one – and decided to give it to my daughter. I found some more fabric and tried 2 more – to see how it went. I really enjoy making them. Soon I’ll post a tutorial. I need to practice my process first. I will be making more. I made an insert using some Gelli plate printed paper, which I’m using as my bullet journal. Then, I discovered that my Ranger Dylusions Dyan Reaveley Creative Journal (5×8) fits as an insert. Brilliant! I was going to make an art journal insert using mixed media paper so I’d have something to “art” while I’m away – and this saves me time (I still want to make one, though).
  3. Podcasts.
    I’ve been listening to some new podcasts. I’ve spent most of the last year listening to health related podcasts, and while I’m still listening to some of them (ya, some of them I just had to cut out!), I’ve found some new ones that are just fun to listen to. And that’s what I need right now – not someone telling me all the things I’ve probably got wrong about my diet, my activity and my general life routine…they are just an enjoyable way to pass the time while I go back and forth to work. What are they? I thought you’d never ask. Just 2 for today – The Thrilling Adventure Hour: I started listening to this one back in February, and just love the hilarity of it! It’s “a podcast in the style of old time radio”, and the stories are just silly. Which, these days seems to be the best way to hold my attention. On one of their recent episodes, they mentioned another one – Spontaneanation with Paul F. Tompkins. This one was started by one of the actors on The Thrilling Adventure Hour, and it’s just an improv-ed show. Also really funny. So, if you are like me, take a listen, and laugh.

I Spy: Documented Life Project


I’ve been doing the Documented Life Project over at Art to the 5th Academy. Every month the challenges have a theme, and then each week, the challenges have a different focus…mediums, tools, etc. I have been loving it! I got started a bit late, but try to do as many weeks as I can. This week’s challenge was to use inks in your journal. Dyan Reaveley was the guest artist, and she has a great blog post on her interpretation here.

I decided to ink my background and then use my Speedball pen and India inks for the lettering. I’ve been trying to practice my hand lettering. I really enjoy it…but need to learn more. More on that later.

To finish my page, I decided to zentangle the anchor. I haven’t zentangled in a while, and I forgot how much I love it. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. I mean, I only stopped for dinner. I may have even been working on it while I made dinner. Luckily nothing burned…

Did you do something creative this weekend?

3 for Thursday

Welcome to 3 for Thursday – a place where I talk about what’s happening in my life right now. Not always sensical, but always me. Sometimes a random collection of things, but really what’s happening…this week in my life.

  1. Growing
    We started seeds this year, which we had done last year, but this time I have a grow light. Which really helps the plants not become spindly (something I learned first hand). I love this process and seeing the seeds pop us and know that someday these plants will be providing so much good food through the season!


  1. Creating
    I’ve been testing out some new techniques for jewelry – this one being shrink plastic earrings. I’m hoping to develop a good process and finish for these little gems and use them for fundraising for some friends. Or to just keep giving to Ashley – she likes the round ones. Or make them for me. I spend most of the morning just creating these and had such a good time coming up with designs. I don’t like them all, but it was a good start for developing them.

Bathroom redo

  1. Building
    That’s the master bathroom. So now three of us are sharing the other bathroom upstairs. We’ve had this bathroom the way it is since we moved in 15 years ago, so it’s about time to get it done. Down to the bones, and completely redo it!

I Spy: Imperfections

I’ve been crushing on art journaling. Getting my hands dirty and just mixing colors, papers, textures until I find something I like. But I’ve noticed that sometimes, I create and I end up with something that didn’t quite translate what was in my head. And I finished, thinking, “done is good.” But as the day went on, I just couldn’t let it go.

And that’s ok.

I went back and changed things, and ended up with a result that I’m much happier with. So here’s how it went. I finished the first time, and here’s what I had. I like it alright – but there was something about the bottom that just didn’t work for me. I letters weren’t what I wanted.

Embrace-first attempt

I liked how the top turned out. I even liked the background on the bottom, but the letters – nope. The sentiment was what I wanted, but I felt like it lost some of the impact.

Later in the day – I decided to go back to it. See if I could make it more what I felt. So I added some gesso to the bottom, and let it dry. Walked away to think about it.

With Gesso

And I already liked it better. But, ya, I wasn’t done.

I added some rubber stamps to some old book pages, and embellished them a bit, and then added some water colored flowers I had made as a trial a few days ago.


So much better! I’m much happier with how things turned out. Now it’s done.

3 for Thursday – My Life right now.

Welcome to 3 for Thursday – a place where I talk about what’s happening in my life right now. Not always sensical, but always me. Sometimes a random collection of things, but really what’s happening…this week in my life.


  1. Lacrosse – watching this girl play. It’s her first year, and the school has only had the team for 2 years, but I love watching her play! I need to learn more about the rules, and what the calls are, but seeing her enjoy herself makes me happy.
  2. Gelli printing – Yes, gelli printing. I’ve been taking this class – Printmaker Pro from Roben Marie Smith, and it’s been so inspiring. I start printing and realize that hours have gone by. Seriously. It might be an issue. But only because I forget to eat. And sometimes sleep.Gelli prints
  3. Travel Notebooks – You can see the first one here. I can’t wait to make the next one. And a few for friends. But I’ll probably make about a dozen for myself. I don’t know exactly what it is about notebooks – but Partly it’s the process of making them too, I think. I just love doing things with paper, and making a notebook just feels incredibly useful. Even though I might never put anything in them. They are “for” something. Maybe that’s it! Either way, I’m going to make more.

Traveler's Notebook with inserts

What’s going on in your life this week?

I Spy: The Traveler

Traveler's NotebookEver since I heard this podcast from the Paperclipping Rountable, I’ve been so excited to get my own planner. See, I love paper. No, really, I love it. I am quite possibly a paper addict. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love technology, and use it for tons of organizing, but there’s just something about the act of writing something down. Something about opening a book that’s all mine and putting my thoughts, my plans, my “stuff” in there. After the show was over, I started looking at what kind of planner I might like. I don’t like traditional “by the week” or “monthly” calendars. And I kept thinking I just wanted a place to doodle. To brainstorm. To have a place to document this journey I’m on.

And then I found the traveler’s notebook. It’s just basically a cover – with elastic – which allows you to put in And that’s when I knew that’s what I wanted! I saw leather ones, vinyl ones, fabric ones – and they were all so amazing, I decided I need to try to create my own. Because that’s what I do. 

So I found some fabric – just scraps really, to give it a try. I got some elastic and some stabilizer to give it some
weight. I measured, I cut, I ironed and punched. And it turned out really great! For my first one. I definitely want to do some more. Hone it – you know, make it more mine. But here it is, the first one.

I also created some inserts for it, little booklets to hold dreams and doodles. That was fun too – probably because it involved more paper. I want to Patterned Insertmake some more of those too – maybe even some envelopes, pockets…I can tell this will be addictive.

Do you like paper? How about journals or planners? What’s your favorite kind?