


Feather Leather Earrings – how to make your very own.

I never thought “feather leather” was a thing. And I guess since these are really made from suede, it’s probably only in my own mind – but, you know, with that rhyme and all, it’s gotta be a thing! Anyway, feather leather earrings – or leather feather earrings – now THAT’s something I can get on board with. I’ve been seeing these around lately, and I love the statement of them. I’ve been on a small earring (like posts or small dangles) thing lately, and I think it’s time for that phase to be OVER.

And these are just the earrings to do it. I mean, come on – aren’t these just the best?  (and my nephew – he is totally the best!) In case you were wondering, these turned out to be really light. But they definitely make a big statement.


  1. Black craft suede. I used something similar to this, but even scraps will do. And feel free to go crazy on the color!
  2. Qty 6 – 4 mm jump rings – sterling if you like, or just plated. I like sterling as they are more durable and easy to work with.
  3. Qty 10 – 16 mm hammered silver drops– this is optional, but after wearing them a few times, I love the way they offset the black.
  4. Qty 2 – Earwires – your choice here, whatever metals work best in your ears!
  5. Optional – earring backs – I try to always have these on if I’m using fish hook ear wires.


How I made them:

  1. First, I created a template. I really just eyeballed the shape, drew it out on some card stock, erased and redrew a few times until I was happy. I also added in the “feather” cut lines – 2 on each side and 1 on the bottom middle. I cut this template out and punched a hole in the top just to make sure I liked how it hung.
  2. Using the grease pencil, I traced the template twice onto the suede. I actually traced one face up and one face down – just in case my template was a little non-symmetrical, I could have them look more symmetrical when they were complete.
  3. Using the X-ACTO knife, cut just inside your trace line, cutting it off. Place the suede piece next to each other to make sure they are mirrored. You might have to do a little trimming to get them exactly the way you want.
  4. Punch the hole near the top point. I eyeballed this for each piece, but you could put the cardstock template on top of the leather and punch through to make sure you had them even on both.
  5. Carefully cut your feather lines on each side of each template. Once again, I eyeballed them, but you could cut them using the template. Just place the template on top of each suede piece, then cut the lines through both the template and the suede.
  6. Now add the drops to a jump ring. Using both pairs of pliers, gently open the jump ring 1 or 2 millimeters. I do this by holding the jump ring on each side of the opening, with the jump ring facing me as a full circle. I push one end away and pull one end towards me. Never pull the end apart from each other, as you’ll warp the ring, and weaken it, making it difficult to keep items on it.  Add the drops, and then close the ring using the reverse steps to opening – gently pull and push the ends back together to close. Often I will also try to gently push the ends towards each other during this process in an effort to make the opening as small as possible.
  7. Using the opening technique described above, open another jump ring and put it through the leather feather and add your jump rings with drops to the front side of the earring. Close that ring up.
  8. Open another jump ring and add the ear wire and the jump ring attached to the leather feather. Close the jump ring.
  9. Repeat the same steps with the other earring.
  10. Immediately put in your ears. Shake your head. Enjoy!

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3 for Thursday

Welcome to 3 for Thursday – a place where I talk about what’s happening in my life right now. Not always sensical, but always me. Sometimes a random collection of things, but really what’s happening…this week in my life.

  1. Growing
    We started seeds this year, which we had done last year, but this time I have a grow light. Which really helps the plants not become spindly (something I learned first hand). I love this process and seeing the seeds pop us and know that someday these plants will be providing so much good food through the season!


  1. Creating
    I’ve been testing out some new techniques for jewelry – this one being shrink plastic earrings. I’m hoping to develop a good process and finish for these little gems and use them for fundraising for some friends. Or to just keep giving to Ashley – she likes the round ones. Or make them for me. I spend most of the morning just creating these and had such a good time coming up with designs. I don’t like them all, but it was a good start for developing them.

Bathroom redo

  1. Building
    That’s the master bathroom. So now three of us are sharing the other bathroom upstairs. We’ve had this bathroom the way it is since we moved in 15 years ago, so it’s about time to get it done. Down to the bones, and completely redo it!