Welcome to 3 for Thursday – a place where I talk about what’s happening in my life right now. Not always sensical, but always me. Sometimes a random collection of things, but really what’s happening…this week in my life.

  1. Growing
    We started seeds this year, which we had done last year, but this time I have a grow light. Which really helps the plants not become spindly (something I learned first hand). I love this process and seeing the seeds pop us and know that someday these plants will be providing so much good food through the season!


  1. Creating
    I’ve been testing out some new techniques for jewelry – this one being shrink plastic earrings. I’m hoping to develop a good process and finish for these little gems and use them for fundraising for some friends. Or to just keep giving to Ashley – she likes the round ones. Or make them for me. I spend most of the morning just creating these and had such a good time coming up with designs. I don’t like them all, but it was a good start for developing them.

Bathroom redo

  1. Building
    That’s the master bathroom. So now three of us are sharing the other bathroom upstairs. We’ve had this bathroom the way it is since we moved in 15 years ago, so it’s about time to get it done. Down to the bones, and completely redo it!

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